Benitatxell Ecopark


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Phone: 608 40 84 56

All residents from Benitatxell can deposit at the ecopark their: 
  • garden waste
  • cooking oils
  • car batteries
  • household appliances
  • paint cans
  • objects that can be recycled
Plastic, paper, glass and clothes should be deposited in the containers located throughout the municipality.

The telephone number for the home collection service for large items (fridges, sofas, beds or other furniture) is 638 411 790, it is carried out every Thursday and the service must be requested before 12 noon on the previous Wednesday.

It is forbidden:
  • to access to the inside of the containers
  • to take objects from the containers
  • handling any type of waste
  • to carry waste not included in the list of accepted waste

All residents are reminded that recycling reduces the amount of the rubbish tax.


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